- Jasat Bhasma (3%)
- Shudh Fatakadi (1%)
- Tankan amla (12%)
- Shudh Gandak (10%)
- Petroleum Jelly (74%)
Apply appropriate amount of malam on your affected area of skin twice
a day. Within 7 day skin become black and remove then stop to apply
malam for 3 day after this apply malam again, comes new skin after
removing 2-3 time of black skin.
Daad, Khaj, Khujali
Skin Diseases
Itching and Irritation
Ring Worm
Skin Fungus
Coastal Area – Humidity Itching
Post Pregnancy Mark
Stretch, Weight Loss Marks
Cracked Heel & Toes
Skin Psoriasis
This product is not recommended during pregnancy. The lactating woman
and children are advised to consume health products under the advice of
Registered Medical Practitioner. As directed by Registered Medical
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Marketed By Details : - Please refer product back image